All Posts By

Steve Ebbert

  • Boo Shay’s Crazy Money

    Boo-Shay’s thinking he’s in the driver’s seat after he “niggered” Miss Doolittle out of teaching for a month. Surely, she would show him the respect he deserved as the prince of…

  • Boo-Shay Woogie

    When Boo and his buddies stole the car, they did what too many baby thugs do… they drew the attention of Atlanta’s finest and spent twenty minutes in a high-speed chase…


    The stories that I’m about to put out there for your consideration will be in black and white.  That means Boo-Shay is black and I’m white. We are two brothers from…

  • The Flesh

    Too often, I hear the Word twisted to make it more palatable for someone’s unique sin-sick circumstance. Just tell the Truth with an equal measure of Grace, instead of saying that…

  • SIN

    What is sin?  Is it really an action we take that separates us from God? Does all sin actually require repentance? Today, as Christians, we have made the definition murkier and…

  • Murderer

      It didn’t take the prison ministry to help me to identify with murderers, all I had to do, unfortunately, was look in the mirror. I was in college when I…

  • Secret Elk

    In early 2005, I was invited to hunt elk on a ranch between Montrose and Telluride, Colorado, with a group of guys I had never met. It was at a location…

  • Landfill

    Several years ago, Laura and I took a group of kids, including our son Travis and his sister Ali, to Mexico on a mission trip. All of the kids we took…

  • Nyala Bull

    I was in the Kwa-Zulu Natal area of South Africa hunting with Gerald Conway of Nomad Safaris. I was booked for a fifteen-day leopard hunt with hounds. We were having a…

  • Cerebral Malaria

    I was in a restaurant in Anderson, South Carolina meeting with a partner and a couple of contractors about a residential community we were developing a couple of miles away. It…