Boo-Shay Woogie

When Boo and his buddies stole the car, they did what too many baby thugs do… they drew the attention of Atlanta’s finest and spent twenty minutes in a high-speed chase until the police finally stopped the thugets by crashing them in a ditch.  The crash knocked the driver, Dragon, out.  Boo and E. jumped out of the backseat and took off running while Dragon and Scrap Bone are left holding the bag.

All’s fair in street survival. Yep, that’s right, that’s why Scrapbone rolled over on Boo-Shay and E. to shorten his time in youth detention.

Boo’s mother is pissed when she finds out, but not necessarily at her sweet baby boy. After all, what kind of friend would roll over on his buddy who got away.

“Why you mean-ass police lockin’ our sweet babies up? Dey didn’t steal dat car, dey was jus borrowin it!”

Well, you’re gonna love this stuff.  The sweet little thugs just stole a car for the first time and it happened to be your car. Too damn bad, cause they’re first offenders and that means they get a “get outta jail free card!” They are back in the streets in a few days and they know where you park that yellow GT Boss. Ha!

The harsh reality is a kid doesn’t go to reform school until their fourth offense.

So, Boo had a couple of short-time stints to follow when he burglarized the school he had been attending, thinking he would get rich stealin’ the candy machine money. But there wasn’t any. So, he stole the office phones and they were worthless. That got him 30 days for stupidity in youth detention. But something important happened in youth detention, as he was conned into fighting a kid named Keyland who was a year older. And, by beating the crap out of Keyland, Boo was elevated to a full fledge thug at the age of fifteen.

Eventually, Boo-Shay is turned loose on the world and he becomes the dog who’s not sure whether he’s gonna bite you or just bark at you. Either way, you’re gonna feel his presence in your face.

As Boo-Shay grew in the ways of thugdom, he grew meaner.

When Boo got out of youth detention, he went back to disciplinary school somewhat known for his noble deeds. Well, the first person that felt like she had a responsibility to adjust Boo was his homeroom teacher, Miss Doolittle.

Miss Doolittle decided she had enough of Boo disturbing the class and interrupting her, so she took his Crown Royal bag that had his candy and cash in it. That bag was Boo’s life and nobody touches it without his permission. But she snatched it and held it for ransom. Bad idea!

Boo told her to give it back and she refused. So, Boo jumped up and grabbed Miss Doolittle by the waist picking her up over his head and body slams her on her desk, breaking her glasses.  Miss Doolittle runs to the principal’s office screaming that Boo had attacked her.

Well, being a self-preservationist of the Ph.D. level, Boo tells the class that when the principal asks them what happened to tell her that Miss Doolittle called him a nigger.

Now get the picture, there are only two white teachers in this predominantly black school of incorrigibles. And, as I said earlier, this is a disciplinary school.

The principal marches down the hall and grabs sweet little Boo by the neck and drags him out in the hall. This is when Boo brings his A-game! He looks down at his feet and says, “Miss Doolittle called me a nigger.” The principal bows up and said, “She called you a what?”

That’s all it took as Miss Doolittle was suspended from teaching for a month. Black justice!

The white and black cultures have determined that the cruelest, meanest, ugliest, nastiest word a white person could use in modern history is to describe someone of color as a “nigger”. And, I agree. In today’s culture it is demeaning in every sense.

But, in the inner-city it’s like calling someone a brother of the same culture. And it is spoken often. It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen.

Yesterday, I was in a level 5 prison where half of the inmates are serving life without any chance of getting out. I was with seven other old white men visiting 24 mostly young to middle aged black men. I had a forty-year-old black man, who has discovered freedom in Jesus, told me one of his friends was a stupid nigger still selling dope on street corners. He was serious and he knew that I understood stupid and he didn’t care what I thought about nigger. He and I have common ground in Jesus and that is good enough for us.   

To give you some background, I grew up in south Louisiana and we were all niggers. I was called that my entire childhood and really didn’t mind it at all because it just didn’t mean anything bad to me. It was like “Hey bro!”  

And today, I don’t believe that racism is fostered out of words. Racism is fostered out of the darkness of hearts. Words are simply the easiest, quickest way to express hatred. “Who cares nigga?”

As a teenager, I had done some terrible things to black people, but it wasn’t fostered out of me hating black people, as I was indifferent. But, I, like Boo-Shay was mentored into it. I was raised by racists. My mother wouldn’t let one of my friends in our house because he was black and she would say that he might have bugs on him. I was embarrassed for him and me.

But I can honestly say that I haven’t seen much of that today and I’m surrounded by cracker rednecks. Most of us just don’t think that way. Might be Jesus, watcha think?  

Today, we have a progressive movement of race baiters manipulating every deed and word to be interpreted as hatred. They have an agenda of social justice that simply feeds a welfare state.

Rarely do you hear the voice of accountability. That’s the modern form of racism.

I guess you know where I stand. I’m about changing lives with honesty not stink bait.

BOO-Shay told me that he was afraid that people would misunderstand me and that I should use the “N word” instead of “nigger” in this story. For me, that would be cowardly. And America has enough of them already… just look at some of the men in the pulpits.

To be continued.


Can Love really conquer hate? It’s so odd why God put two fools like Boo and me together. As young men, we were nasty, nasty people who saw others as pawns to get us where and what we wanted.

But Jesus rescued us from ourselves, crazy love for crazy people!


John 4: 7-10

Jesus, we are all Samaritans of some sort and You love us like You love the Jews, teach us to love each other. Teach us to see the best of each other and not find fault. Lord, even when we sin against each other, let Your love be sufficient to heal our relationships.

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