What is sin?  Is it really an action we take that separates us from God? Does all sin actually require repentance? Today, as Christians, we have made the definition murkier and murkier because if it’s committed by us or someone we love, we seem to want to redefine sin. Society has created a hell of a mess with people’s view of sin, as we are in a moment in time where sin has become an opinion.

I hear more often than not, “It’s not my place to judge them, I’m going to just love them where they’re at.”

My question is, “Is that really loving someone, or does it simply let you off the hook in addressing the issue?”

The Bible Dictionary written by Paul J. Achtemeier defines sin as, “That which is in opposition to God’s benevolent purposes for his creation.  The concept of sin is first and foremost a religious concept, because all sin is ultimately against God, God’s laws, God’s creation, God’s covenant and God’s purposes. It is the basic corrupting agent in the entire universe.

All sin is an act of idolatry, the attempt to replace the Creator with someone or something else, usually one’s own self or one’s own creation. Paul understood this very well, as he indicates in Romans 1: 18- 3:20; all humankind lies under condemnation because all are idolators of one type or another.

Whatever the origin of sin, it is universal, something that enslaves every person individually and that corrupts society collectively. Further, the enslavement of sin is something the human race cannot extricate itself by its own efforts.”

So, now if we don’t like what the Bible says, we come up with our own definition developed while under the intoxication of society. We search out man’s opinion to justify our stance. We don’t really believe that the Bible was written correctly about some sins because it doesn’t seem fair. The writer must have misunderstood what God was saying to him. Maybe Paul was having a bad day in prison.

We hear over and over that should we hold someone accountable to their sin, we are being a judgmental oaf who should focus on their own sin. We have churches dividing over what is an acceptable sin. Should open, hostile, rebellious sin be allowed to preach the Word? Read what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:12.

From my redneck perspective, hold me accountable! Lead me into repentance! I want Jesus, even if it means that I have to give something else up or a lot of something else’s.

As Christians, are we becoming so compassionate, so loving, so nonjudgmental, so cowardly that we can’t even have a conversation with a sin-sick person. A person who could die from their transgressions! Where’s Jesus in that? Can we not speak into a family member or friend’s life in love to lead them out of their personal darkness? 

You may “fairly” ask, “What has happened to cause you to go off the deep end about sin?” Well, I just feel convicted, as I have seen our churches turning ever so inconspicuously toward defending and supporting lifestyles of sin and welcoming sin into their pulpits. I see society’s manipulation through using guilt and fear of condemnation to perpetuate sin by calling it an “alternative lifestyle.” And I believe it will lead to the deaths of millions of innocent people who were misinformed because no one stood in the gap for them to convince them that the Favored alternative lifestyle to fill their “void of love” is with Jesus. Pastor Chris Hodges in his book The Daniel Dilemma, says that as Christians we need to balance the Truth with Grace, loving people into a restored relationship with Christ.  Pastor Chris also cautions us that, “Truth without grace is just mean and Grace without truth is meaning-less.”

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” Galatians 5: 24

This doesn’t happen all at once for most people, it takes time, it takes prayer, it takes spiritual toughness as it is warfare. It is Spirit over mind and body and it takes the full armor of God in Ephesians 6:12-18.


We all have friends and loved ones who struggle with life-owning, life-draining sin. Yet, we don’t have the courage to speak into it. Why is that? Well, first of all, we know we are sinners too and struggle speaking into someone else’s sin. And, secondly, I think it may be the hardest conversation ever in today’s world as we, “the convicted ones”, are excoriated by society as being backward, redneck oafs. And we sort of are! Cause we take the Bible literally! We know that the Bible is about love and not condemnation, its about repentance and restoration, it’s about walking in the light of Christ with real joy in our hearts. But, in my effort to speak truth, I hardly ever convey that in a Christlike manner and that is my sin. But you know what, sinners still make it into Heaven! See you there! I’m one of His favorites.


The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. John 1:9

Jesus rescue us from ourselves as we need Your peace in our hearts. Amen

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  • Reply
    January 11, 2019 at 6:44 pm

    This needs to be Echoed more, and more!
    Very good read brother!!

  • Reply
    Dorothy C
    January 11, 2019 at 10:36 pm

    Enjoyed this, Steve! Love your last statement–and if sinners didn’t make it in to Heaven I think no one would be there. We are all sinners after all.

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