I am

It was early, just after first light when we approached the gate as we had done several mornings before. We were on our way to perform the daily ritual of checking lion baits for the sign of a mature male. He leaves long black mane hairs tangled in the bones, flesh and hide of the quarter section of hippo hanging beneath the grass skirt, on a rope tossed over the limb of a large tree in the forest along the Luangwa River. We had four baits roughly 3 to 5 miles apart. It was a long, rough ride as we bounced over the sun-dried elephant tracks left from the rainy season when elephants sunk a foot or two in the mud while traveling back and forth across the river.

As we approached the gate where we entered our hunting concession, I saw the little boy in our headlights. He was maybe 5 or 6 years old with a beautiful round face and big brown eyes. He was standing to the side of the road on my side of the truck. I thought he was probably waiting with his mother, the game scout, who was to let us in the concession. This gate was located at the entrance of a scout camp where game scouts and their families live in close proximity to the concession so they could protect the game from poachers.

As I looked down at the little boy from the front seat of the open jeep we hunted from, he looked up at me and smiled as he said, “I am, how are you?” I stared at him a moment, bewildered. Then, I smiled back and turned to my friend sitting behind me on the highback seat of the Jeep and said, “What do you think? Do you think he is?” and my friend said, “I don’t know, he might be!” and I said,” Hand me some candy!”

I reached out and tossed a few pieces of candy to the little boy as we drove through the gate.

For years, I have thought about the possibility and humor of the experience, as the little boy should have only been able to speak Lozi and/or a form of Swahili as we were deep in the bush of Zambia that had at best a handful of English speaking local people, most of which were associated with either the Safari photo tourist business or hunting.

Think about it. Who other than a redneck hunter would throw candy to Jesus. I wonder how often I have thrown candy to God when what he wanted was my attention. Do I really hear Him when He asks, “How are you?” My guess is that I’m probably not in a good place spiritually when He asks.

I’m likely struggling with something.

It may be my past or an issue of the day, but whatever it is, He knows I haven’t given it to Him and it’s time to do so.

When I saw the boy, I was totally focused on hunting a lion.  I was mentally and spiritually invested, as it takes more than mental preparation to sling an arrow at an animal 20 yards or less from you that can get to you in less than a second, and kill you in a few.

But, the Lord has revealed Himself at some awkward times in my life, as I could have easily driven past the little boy on that day and never given it another thought.

But I didn’t.


I believe that’s how God works sometimes. There are times I just sense Him in my spirit and acknowledge Him, and sometimes I drive past, oblivious of His presence. Go figure!


Exodus 3:14 “I AM THAT I AM” KJV

Whether we want to acknowledge His presence or not, if we are one of His, He is always with us.  As is our nature, we run from one task to another wondering how we will get it all done. And He is with us! So take a moment, only a small fraction of time, and close your eyes and look into His beautiful face and say, “Thanks Jesus, it’s a good day to be alive!”

Prayer of the Hunter Kind:

Lord, today is an awesome day to walk with You.  Give me the wisdom to see You in every circumstance as my peace!  Amen



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  • Reply
    Jane Kilgo
    October 10, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    Steve, I love your post tonight–“I Am”. I enjoy all of them but the whole concept of “I Am” in Exodus, that God is so ever present–Emmanuel, God With Us, I Am–is just sooo wonderful!!! And yes! All too often I don’t acknowledge His ever-Presence, I Am…
    Thanks! Jane

  • Reply
    October 10, 2017 at 9:56 pm

    Steve, The very first time you shared with me this story of the encounter you had with this little boy. The power of the Holy Spirit flooded the room at the Sparrow’s Nest!! You were teary eyed from being so honored of seeing the great “I AM” through this little boys presence. What a post!


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